Surviving in STEM fields takes effort and dedication, but the rewards are significant. Academic activities and interests are those linked with formal education and learning inside academic schools and universities, colleges, and research organizations. This involves learning about other fields and issues, conducting research, and contributing to the academic community through publications, lectures, and other intellectual activities. But dropping out is the result of years of academic challenges, blunders, and incorrect paths for some students. Some drop out as a result of competing life responsibilities, such as the necessity to financially support their family or the duties of caring for siblings or their own kid. Dropping out is sometimes motivated by boredom and a lack of connection between academic and "real" life. It is about students feeling detached from their peers, teachers, and other adults at school. It also has to do with schools and communities having insufficient resources to satisfy the complex emotional and intellectual requirements of their most vulnerable students.

With the right strategies and mindset, anyone can succeed in these fields. Here are some tips on how to survive in academics:

  1. Stay organized:
    a schedule or planner and make sure you stay on top of deadlines and assignments.

  2. Manage your time effectively:
    Prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important ones first. Avoid procrastination.

  3. Develop good study habits:
    Find a study routine that works for you and stick to it. Make sure you take breaks and get enough rest.

  4. Build a support network:
    Connect with professors, mentors, and peers who can offer advice and support when needed.

  5. Take care of your mental and physical health:
    Eat well, exercise regularly, and make time for self-care. Seek help if you are struggling with mental health issues.

  6. Keep learning:
    Stay curious and continue to explore new topics and ideas. Attend conferences and workshops to stay up-to-date with developments in your field.

  7. Be resilient:
    Expect setbacks and failures along the way. Learn from them and keep pushing forward.

  8. Take advantage of resources:
    Your university likely offers a variety of academic resources such as tutoring, writing centers, and study groups. Use these resources to your advantage to improve your academic performance.

  9. Set realistic goals:
    While it's important to aim high, it's also important to set realistic goals that are achievable. This will help you maintain motivation and avoid burnout.

  10. Take breaks:
    It's important to take regular breaks to prevent burnout and maintain focus. Take short breaks throughout the day and give yourself a day off every once in a while to recharge.